Admissions Policy
The process of enrollment at Harvest Christian Academy prior to final acceptance shall include but is not limited to the following:
- An HCA evaluation is required. Grade level subject testing will be administered to prospective student.
- Parent/Student interview with the Academic Commitee to determine if:
- The parents desire a Christian education for their child.
- Family beliefs and practices are consistent with standards, doctrine, and values of the school.
- The child, if Jr/Sr high school age, expresses a desire to attend Harvest Christian Academy and agrees to live in harmony with school standards.
- Students with a history of severe behavioral problems have cleared their records with previous schools and now demonstrate a commitment for a changed lifestyle in both personal testimony and character references.
During the interview, the committee will provide a description of the school's activities and will answer any questions which arise. Classroom visits are permissible upon request and by prior arrangement.
Parents seeking to enroll a student should bring the student's academic information for both the current school year and previous school year. The admissions committee will use the information to assess the student's academic aptitude and to identify possible problems. All students admitted to the school will be xpected to perform at or above grade level. If the student has been enrolled in a special program, the committee will contact the student's previous school to ascertain past conduct, academic progress, and long-term potential. If there are indications of discipline problems, suspensions, or repeated absences; contact with the student's previous school will be made for clarification.
Upon completion of the designated steps, parents are notified as to whether or not their child has been accepted for admission into HCA. Students can be accepted with conditions, for example: summer school, tutoring, grade level retention.
Students who have been accepted must have their student files complete with all properly submitted enrollment forms and financial accounts current in order to begin the first day.